Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hello everyone! This is Becca and Jordan writing tonight.  Sorry we haven't updated the blog in a few days; it's been quite the busy week! Since Sunday, we have had so much fun and have done so many things. VBS and June camp started on Monday, along with the people helping out with construction and the mini projects around Rehoboth following VBS. There is another group that heads out to help in Ianbito with a separate VBS program.

At the Rehoboth VBS program, the children age from pre-k to 6th grade, with a leader assigned to 5 or 6 of the kids. Even after 3 days with these kids, it's hard to imagine not knowing them. The way they hang on to us leaders shows how much time, effort, and love we have put into these kids. During the time we have with the VBS kids, they rotate between 5 stations: singing, where we learn songs relevant to the message of the day; story time, where we apply the lesson of the day through a Bible character; Chadder, where we watch a video and meet the Bible buddy of the day; the imagination station, where we do experiments and fun activities; and game time, when we play games pertaining to the theme of the day.

June camp immediately follows VBS, and is similar to a summer camp/school combination. We are separated by grades and rotate from subject to subject, including math, drama, reading, and science. Activities range from making puppets, to creating bubble solution, and spelling words in shaving cream. It's a great time to grow closer to the kids and create a closer relationship with them!

The kids who aren't doing June camp or VBS are working on various projects. Some are working on construction helping build a house. The people who are doing the construction have done an amazing job! They have made such great progress on the house. They have put insulation in, put siding on, and just started dry-walling the house. It has been an awesome time for them and they are so happy to be able to help give a family a house.

The remainder of the kids have been helping with various projects around the Rehoboth Campus. They have been working in the thrift shop sorting clothes, also they have been painting lines for parking lots and a basketball court.

Somehow with all of this work we have been doing we still have managed to go and do some really fun stuff. On Tuesday we went hiking. It was an awesome and amazing time! It was absolutely   breathtaking and it really showed the glory of God. Last night we went to one of the family's from Rehoboth house. They had so much land with a canyon in it. We got to hike and explore and after that they made us dinner. It was so much fun and was so very generous of the family.

Tomorrow will be our last day of VBS and June camp. We have all had an amazing time and the kids have probably taught us more than we taught them. The love of Christ is not limited to any location or group, that has been so evident this week.


Iyanbito (the offsite VBS)

Helping out at the thrift store

The Crevice hike

The construction crew and the house they've been working on!

Night at the Owen's property....Hike, dinner, and traditional Native American dancing

Rock climbing adventure!